Is The Limo Rental Business Lucrative? Pros And Cons

Starting a limousine rental business these days is seen as a good investment choice. As the tourism and hospitality markets have been stable for decades, this investment venue is seen as a sector that will continue to experience steady revenue growth.

Although the competition is currently stiff, there always seems to be room for operators who are reliable and provide good-quality service that most customers look for. Limousines serve as an elegant and comfortable means of transport, and these are used for a wide array of events and occasions, such as corporate parties, proms, weddings, bachelor parties, city tours and out-of-town excursions.

The Limo Rental Industry Has A Lot Of Potential Clients

According to current data from Limousine and Chauffeur magazine, the breakdown of potential limo rental service customers are in the following areas: hotel and resort clients, night-on-the-town transportation, corporate shuttling, weddings, funeral transport, proms, and other occasions. The business is usually broken down into two major aspects: Corporate/professional clients and occasional customers, and most rental firms specialize in either one or both.

Corporate customers span a wide range of businesses that use these services for ferrying their executives, clients and customers. Much of this service involves airport-to-hotel transportation, as well as shuttling clients to restaurants, theaters and other entertainment venues. Corporate clients can be at times, more demanding than the standard client. These people expect prompt and reliable service, particularly when the need suddenly arises.

Keeping Clients Satisfied Ensures A Successful Limo Rental Business

If you so wish to invest in this type of business, you need to do all you could to make your customers happy, and satisfied. Be prepared to do a great deal of cold-call selling to capture these lucrative accounts, which include corporations, law firms, investment firms and banks.

As the occasional customer usually celebrates some sort of event; whether it's a birthday, anniversary, wedding, bachelor party, office party or prom, you need to be prepared to serve the needs of varied groups of people and events. Your advertising needs to focus on your ability and desire to make any kind of event feel special and memorable.

As with any type of business, you need to do a lot of research before you start operating. It is good to understand your competition, your target market, and the specific area you wish to operate. You also need to be creative in determining how you are going to make your service unique, and different, or better than the competition.

Once you're in operation, you need to ensure that you can facilitate inquiries, handle different sales accounts, deliver professional service and provide information to your prospective clients on a 24-7 basis. Your customers also need to get their queries effectively answered, and place orders at their convenience, without having to let them wait in line either on site or on the phone. You also can build and enhance customer relationships by staying in touch with them via e-mail, or through opening an online website.

Vanessa Arellano Doctor - Miami Limousine Services - Miami Limousine Airport Transportation

Why Limousines Like Going Black

One common perception about black, which is probably one of the reasons as to why a lot of people would prefer black limousines for their rides instead of any other color, is that black represents a timeless elegance, making the appearance of the limousine more regal and more stylish.

This type of color can give whatever make or model of limousine a sleek and rich look, giving off an image of power and sophistication that other types of limousines cannot rival, nor duplicate. Black has always stood out amongst high-class and high-profile individuals, especially when it comes to the color of their cars and wardrobe, making it easier for people to associate the color black to wealth, which is something that people would like to emulate.

Another reason why limousines like to go black is the fact that black limousines are easier to associate to a certain event as compared to limousines of other color. Black limousines can be used for proms, a night out on the town, or even weddings, depending on the preferences of the passenger. Nonetheless, due to the fact that black limousine’s can easily fit in to whatever situation or event that it is being used for, this characteristic makes this particular type of limousine more popular with the limousine service company’s customers, as well as the service provider themselves.

Due to their flexibility of being able to fit into whatever event, black limousines can help limousine rental providers reduce their cost in their services, especially since having a black limousine can already cover a lot of events and different situations, thereby eliminating the need to further get more limousines which is of a different type. This allows both the limousine service company, as well as its customers, to save some money on the cost of the limousine, especially since black limousines can be used for almost all kinds of events that would require a limousine service.

Black is also easier to clean and keep clean, as compared to white limousines, although stains, dirt and grime can still diminish the overall effectiveness of the limousine’s appearance and presence. But come to think of it, no matter what type your limousine is, if dirt, dust and mud is able to stain and dirty the limousine, it will greatly diminish the overall visual impact of the vehicle. Nonetheless, black limousines are a superb option for people who are looking for limousine rental services, especially since black limousines are easier to come by, and are a whole lot cheaper as compared to the other types of limousines. All you need is a little planning and coordination, and a black limousine will be able to give you the effect and impact that you desire.

Vanessa Arellano Doctor

Limousines For Everybody?

Since the first limousines appear, within the automotive development in the end of XIX century and beginning of XX, that they have been used for special events (as public appearances) or extraordinary people (such as nation-state presidents). Since those classic limos a lot of changes have being made in the cars, such as an introduction of several amenities as new seats, more reliable and safe technology in the cars, tv, audio devices and so on. This improvements or changes still seems to point at limousines as special, luxurious, extraordinary vehicles used for extraordinary events.

However maybe more important than the changes in the cars or the chauffeurs, are the changes in the conception of the companies who provide limousine hire services. While in the past hiring a limousine was something that only the people with high social status or finance and economical power could afford, the market is changing today requesting a re-shape of the limousine companies approach and services. Where are this changes pointing out today?

First the continuous development of a strong middle class, in many countries that we are used to call as developed or “first world”, with increasing desire and economical power for better lifestyle opened the limo hire market as we never saw before. The hiring of a limousine becomes something quit ordinary for many “common people”. Second, besides the enlargement of the number of possible customers, the competition between Limousine companies increase exponential in the last 10-15 years requiring continuous innovation. We can see this changes looking at the internet sites, that many of this companies have. The focus of this re-shaping is being on increase quality and security of the chauffeurs, cars and all the limo service in general; providing easily and direct ways of contact, booking and hiring those companies services on-line; struggling for competitive prices which assure top positions in the global opening markets; improving the appeal of internet windows (sites) concerning on the one hand the importance of achieving good positions in search engines and on the other hand to obtain new customers; some of this companies are being specialize for some special events (like weddings for example) as strategy to obtain secure niche markets; the introduction of blogs, forums or simply informative pages providing access to new information about limos world.

Where are this changes pointing out tomorrow?

This re-shape of the limousine companies today shows a concern in targeting a much more vast market as 20 or 30 years ago providing good quality and security services at competitive prices (prices affordable to many persons as possible) in parallel with a more easy, direct and closest way of hiring. This shows a great movement towards global economy in general and recreational business in particular of what I call - democratization of global resources and services – which means a boom in economical business sources together with a vast and increasing number of consumers within a fast dynamic of changes in the offering – demanding social complex. Concerning the limousines business of tomorrow we have to be aware the continuity with the features we are already saw more or less clear today (as mention above) and also the new features that will bring the new competition arenas of the limo companies. These new features and arenas are being built upon information and knowledge about the limousines services being provided in an interactive way by both professionals of the area and not specialize authors (as costumers); the companies also have to adapt their services to a more personalize demand (which includes age, events, number of costumers, taste, pre-requirements made by the costumers among others).

As a conclusion we can say that Limousine Companies are facing the ultimate challenge that is trying to provide everyone the opportunity of hiring a limo transforming the old concept of “limos as cars for the special ones” into a guideline focuse in showing that “everyone is special enought to demand the kind of quality that limousine services are offering”.

Marco Moura, Anthropologist and researcher for

Three Levels Of Exciting Limousines

We all know those black and white stretch limousines that seem to be everywhere nowadays. They all look the same. They all look just like normal luxury sedans if it weren’t for the stretched passenger compartment. It doesn’t really matter if the stretch limousines are based on Cadillacs, Lincolns or Mercedes Benzs.

Luckily limousines don’t have to be that boring. Limousines that are a lot more exciting do exist, but they are better at hiding from public view. Maybe it’s because they are more expensive and difficult to make? The only thing we know is that most limousine companies seem to prefer the traditional stretch limousines to the more exciting models.

The least exciting of the exciting limousines are somewhat similar to the traditional black and white stretch limousines. The difference is that they are based on something else than the normal luxury sedans. The least exciting of the exciting limousines can for example be based on a small car like a mini or they can be stretched luxury cabriolets. A stretch limousine without a roof means that we can suddenly have outdoor pools, helicopter pads (it really exist), etc. onboard.

Somewhat more exciting are limousines based on exotic cars. One trend that is slowly spreading to limousines companies is stretch limousines based on exotic sports cars like Ferraris, Lamborghinis and Porsches. More and more limousine companies start to feature these cars in much the same way as they started to feature SUV based stretch limousines a couple of years ago.

The most exciting limousines are out of this world. Some of our favourites include for example a somewhat normal stretch limousine that is rocket driven, a traditional looking stretch limousine where the wheels have been removed in favour of a set of tank tracks and a private plane that has been grounded after a set of wheels replaced the wings.

Mads Phican runs the website Pictures of the exciting limousines above and many other limousines can be found there.

Limo Service - An Effective Business Tool

Why Choose a Limo?

Based on our many trips to California and the Northwest U.S -- we've increasingly found that limousines ( are not a luxury – but fast becoming a useful transportation tool to effectively doing business. The increasing level of competition for limousines and excellent service levels from limo drivers can make the limo “value proposition” much better than the general public might realize.

A limo lets you impress your clients and focus on doing business – not driving and traffic. In busy California traffic areas like San Francisco ( and Los Angeles ( – this freedom to focus and communicate in a professional setting becomes particularly important. Great situations to use a limo service include the “typical” such as picking up clients who are arriving at the airport – to the unusual like transportation to parties and nightclubs. Either way – limousines ensure that drinking does not mix with driving for your business associates or clients.

The high volume of passengers and traffic at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) ( and San Francisco International Airport (SFO) ( can make ground transportation – especially renting cars – a time consuming activity. Limousine services will meet your clients and visitors right at the airport's baggage claim area – assist with baggage – and comfortably take them to your business destination. Airport shuttles at SFO ( and LAX can offer a lower cost alternative – but the service levels are dramatically lower. Our study has found that with 3-4 visitors in a limousine – the cost can be be even better (with much better service) than a “shared” airport van.

Limousine services continue to roll out innovative new styles and services based on customers needs. Two of the coolest new services are the use of Hummer SUV H2 limousines, and Wi Fi availability in San Francisco limos (, Seattle airport shuttles (, and Los Angeles limousines. Although the Hummer H2 limos are in far greater supply than unique WiFi internet service – both of these premium services demonstrate the commitment of the limo service community to handling your business effectively.

Ashley Nichols writes on California travel topics for leading California blogs ( and San Francisco travel sites ( Ashley has resided in California for over 10 years and traveled throughout the West Coast.


Limousine service companies are hugely popular in the western countries as many companies and executives use them for special purposes. Limousine services are seen as special when offered to a client and give a rich and warmth look. Its like making the client feel special about themselves. Now a days it has spread even to developing countries like India and China, where five star and seven star hotels use them to transport clients reserved at their hotels. Limousine services usually have huge costs to deal with as the vehicles they use are of luxury type. Buying is an expensive affair, maintaining is a much more costly deal.
Let us see some of the key benefits of a luxury sedan used for corporate and business purposes. Limos take care of the timings of pickup, scheduled and on time pickups can be expected. As there are many companies for disposal, one can choose from a variety of services and companies by going for the lowest rate and best serviced one. Major credit cards are accepted in all the companies. Almost all of them offer a big fleet of luxury sedans to choose from. Since everyone has a liking for a certain brand of a sedan, one can choose it from the vast fleet of sedans put before him. All the luxury sedans will be in superb condition and very well maintained by the support and management staff since any company wouldn’t like to take any kind of chance with a big client and want to avoid embarrassing situations like a breakdown in the middle of the road. Clients have experienced and knowledgeable chauffeurs, who are safe drivers, know the area well enough and well mannered towards them.
Airport services like gate or baggage meet and also airport greet and pickup are available. Assistance with the baggage of the client can be availed, though its mandatory in some companies. All the vehicles are commercially licensed and fully insured throughout the country. There are services like Nights on the town, where you can traverse through the city as you like including going to a friend’s or a relative’s house, shopping, any special night event, Bachelor and bachelorette parties and leave the burden of driving to the chauffeur. Other services of the typical limo services company are big fat weddings, corporate functions, events and parties, luncheons, dinners, theater, sporting events, graduate ceremonies, newborn functions, wine tasting tours and funeral ceremonies.
Clients can ask for a quote which is the list of rates for the available fleet and other extra fees for luxury services they provide. Clients can choose from the quote which brand they prefer and the cost for using it, rate for some services like extra baggage, wine services in the sedan, entertainment services like TV and DVD services, cell phone and internet services have become common these days. Clients can then book in advance for their own pickup or for their clients. Reservation can be made through telephone or online which ever the client is comfortable with. Today many executives are using the corporate executive sedan service to pick them up at their residences and drop them at their offices. Mostly executives who visit their headquarters or main offices for official purposes and who doesn’t have a permanent residence in a particular city often use this service as it shows class and provides convenience. The services are offered non-stop (24/7), door to door and to any location within the service area.
As the clients range from Major Companies to executives and CEOs of big corporations, companies always compete with each other in providing personalized, professional, spotless, courteous, incomparable and dependable services in flawless luxury vehicles. Superior service with utmost care for the clients is a combination every client looks for and every company tries their best to supply it. As the business is a people-oriented one, relationships that endure will make for a better future and a high brand value for the company.

Wesam Saif is author of this article on Corporate Sedan Service. Find more information about Limousine Service here.

Pinpoint a Bad Limo Company

Instead of hailing a taxi to the Phoenix airport you’ve decided to allow yourself a little more luxury, comfort and convenience by hiring an airport limo instead.

You open the Yellow Pages and see dozens of companies offering limousine services. So how do you choose which airport transportation service company is right for you? Do you pick the one with the best advertisement? The one with the catchy slogan? Or do you close your eyes, move your pointing finger up and down the page and pray that the company your finger lands on when you stop is, if not good, at least a decent one?

Here are four signs you could use to spot a bad limo company:

They Don’t Offer Customers with Much Options

One of the luxuries renting an airport limo should afford you is the comfort of choice. So when a the a company you are looking to hire tells you that the only vehicle they have available for your use is a pink super stretch limo or that their driver is not available to pick you up at 10 A.M., but can come at 11 in the morning instead, then you better start dialing the number of another company.

Lousy Customer Service

You’ve tried calling them to ask about their rates and services but your calls never seem to get through. If you are lucky enough to be able to talk to someone, they give you nothing but vague answers that lack both depth and politeness. These sound familiar? If they are, then take them as ominous signs that the limo company’s service will be, well, less than satisfactory.

Their Cars are Old

Unless you are purposely looking to rent a vintage limo or Towncar, then it would be wise to rent from a transportation company with newer and better-maintained vehicles. You don’t want to miss the flight home because the limo you rented suddenly broke down in the middle of the road, do you?

And while some may argue that well-maintained old cars are still able to run well, no one can say that an old car, no matter how finely tuned it is, can outperform a brand new one.

No Insurance Or License

One of the reasons why you take limousines instead of ordinary cabs is for the added security they provide—and you can’t get these when the limo company you are about to hire has no license from the Department or Tourism or insurance for their passengers.

You comfort, convenience and safety depends on the quality of the limo company you hire. Choose the wrong one and you might end up late for your flight home or in the middle of an empty road with an overheated limo. Choose the right one and you are in for one of the most convenient and comfortable rides of your life. Use the four signs to make the right choice.

For more information on airport limo, check out taxi to the Phoenix airport. Sheryll Cross is a web copywriter affiliated with Executive Airport Services, an airport transportation service company that rents. Want a better alternative to taking a taxi to the Phoenix airport? Visit their site for info on how you can hire an airport limo.